One Minute Gospel Meditation
He went up the mountain and summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him. He appointed twelve [whom he also named apostles] that they might be with him and he might send them forth to preach and to have authority to drive out demons (Mk 3:14)
Ascending the mountain and summoning, Jesus fashions a scene reminiscent of Moses at Mt Sinai, a theophany moment, a visible manifestation of deity — a holy encounter with the One who summons.
Moses receives the tablets, the law, the seeds to form a holy Israel (The People of God) into twelve tribes. Jesus summons the seeds of a restored Israel for the eschatological gathering of the tribes, also the People of God, with twelve appointed men. The men are seeded with the Spirit of God, the law already written on their hearts.
This moment of Jesus’ summoning disturbs us for its seemingly ordinary and deceptively uneventful gathering.
Unlike Mt Sinai, the appointment of the apostles lacks vivid, cosmic displays. Rocks are not split asunder. There aren’t any lightning bolts, peals of thunder, or smoking fireballs.
In quiet wonder, the seed germinates through Jesus’ desire that “they might be with him” and that “he might send them forth to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.”
Likewise, each one of us experience holy encounters with the One who summons. Our call is a blossoming of the Holy Spirit from His seeded desire that we “might” be with Him and allow ourselves to also be “sent,” in blessed communion with the appointed Twelve.
Love these reflections which open our hearts to the full meaning of God's Word, the call of Jesus and our need to open our hearts to listen and response in relationship to the Holy Spirit!